Member-only story
Your Most Memorable Year! 🗓️
Happy New Year!
2024 has just begun. I hope this year will give you all you wish for and have planned to accomplish.
Allow me a few sentences still about 2023.
2023 could have been a better year for me.
My mother passed away this year. My kids are now both out of the house. It sounds perhaps a bit dramatic, but it felt like a double loss. Work was good, but not great.
These occasions led to much reflection about accomplishments, values, ambitions, and dreams yet to be accomplished.
There were also positive moments. An anniversary trip to the Maldives, a family trip to Iceland, and a ‘see the sun’ week in Bali.
So, don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining.
There was just a lot to consider going forward.
2023 was a memorable year.
That’s for sure. I will always remember 2023 going forward.
And I would like 2024 to be an even more memorable year. And this time more from a positive point of view.
That’s my intention for 2024.
Life starts with intentions.
Let’s pause here for a moment, and let me ask you this.