Why better starts with who

Erikjan Lantink
5 min readFeb 2, 2024

I write about business. I write for leaders who are in business, leading teams to do business. I love conversations with leaders and understanding how they think, act, and lead. One of my favorite questions to ask leaders to get to know them is the question:

What is your business about?

Is it about making money? Is it about growing people and yourself? Is it about serving your customers’ needs and wants? Is it about making a difference in the world we live in? Or is it all of the above? What would your answer be?

I led a leadership workshop for about thirty talents at an insurance company a few years ago. I asked them what the primary purpose of their company was. I got two answers: 1) to make money, and 2) to provide our customers with security in their lives. What would your answer be if you were leading an insurance company?

The question resulted in an intense debate, where both groups advocating their perspective were trying to convince the other group they were right. Both groups had a point. If the company didn’t make money, it would not exist and would be unable to sell insurance products providing security. And, if the company did not provide customers with security, it would not make money. It’s a chicken and egg story. The better question is:

What would be your



Erikjan Lantink

Business & Leadership coach. Interim Leader. Writer. Speaker. Former Retail Executive (general management; operations; HR)