Member-only story
Team play
You’re the star of the company or team.
Thanks to your contribution, the company makes significant profits, is recognized as a leading brand, is admired by everyone in the industry, and is a heavily sought-after employer.
You know the results of the company (or team) would dive if you decided to leave or something would happen to you.
Everyone knows this.
Including your bosses and shareholders.
It puts you in a position of power.
A position you can easily leverage but also abuse.
How would you deal with this situation? What would you like people to say about you? Do you even care?
Now imagine some of the other talents in the company, less successful, less profitable, and probably also less talented, are trying to put themselves next to you in the hierarchy.
At some point, they’re using the whole repertoire of tricks to draw attention and support toward them.
Their attempts, if successful, might hurt your position and reputation.
You don’t like their tactics, and you let it be known.