Member-only story
Rubber Tile Paradise
I had a great lunch with a good friend the other week.
What made the lunch great was the conversation, the food, the atmosphere, and the fact I didn’t see him for a while.
He’s an opinionated person.
He’s a successful entrepreneur who works for fun.
That’s how I see him.
We agree on many topics, and sometimes it’s better to agree to disagree.
Some of our recurring topics are the state of the world, humanity, Dutch politics, and living in the Czech Republic.
There are moments I’m happy he’s not running the country.
He’s a loyal reader of my weekly insights, provides me with feedback occasionally, and is straight when he doesn’t like something I wrote.
Last week, he told me I’m not addressing basic human behavior enough.
I asked him to elaborate because I do feel I address human behavior.
He explained that I should write more about the fact that most humans are well off and don’t know what real suffering is.
“More. More. More. Erikjan. People always want more. We’re too well off and no longer know what…