One insanely productive day! Here are the six lessons I learned.

Erikjan Lantink
3 min readJan 27, 2023

Last Friday, I started the day with a slight concern that it was going to be one of those days when you ask yourself at the end of the day:

“What did I actually accomplish today?”

I woke up a bit restless.

I knew I had set pretty aggressive goals for the day. I also knew it was Friday, and I had already done pretty well for the weak.

A lazy day was tempting.

A day full of procrastination, unproductive screen time, coffees I didn’t necessarily need, and finding reasons to do stuff that was only masking what I really needed to do.

As it turned out, it became an insanely productive day, including over-delivering on the expectations I had set for myself that day.

Here are the six lessons I learned that day.

1. Any day can be productive, even a Friday. I don’t think I’m wrong when I say that Fridays are the least productive working days in the western hemisphere. That was my mindset going in. But that shouldn’t stop you from proving your mind wrong.

2. How you wake up is not a sign of the quality of the day ahead. Yes, I woke up restless and perhaps a bit lazy. But with the right mindset and…



Erikjan Lantink

Business & Leadership coach. Interim Leader. Writer. Speaker. Former Retail Executive (general management; operations; HR)