Engagement and Ownership are more than just buzzwords.

Erikjan Lantink
4 min readAug 2, 2024

When you’re employees LOVE your company, the chances are your customers will love it too.

It’s a positive spin on Simon Sinek’s quotes:

“Your customers won’t love your company if your employees don’t love it first.”


“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”

I’m a big fan of Simon Sinek because he has shared multiple times what I believe in.

Success doesn’t have to be complex; it can be straightforward as long as you follow a few simple rules. This simplicity should reassure you and give you confidence in your ability to lead effectively.

It’s the foundation of the book I’m writing.

  • Know yourself first.
  • Apply those lessons to the leader you want to be.
  • Include your team in your ambition, values, and beliefs.
  • Be consistent in the culture you would like to see.

Simple, but not easy.

Because it takes work to remain focused, consistent, and adaptive within the current global context.



Erikjan Lantink

Business & Leadership coach. Interim Leader. Writer. Speaker. Former Retail Executive (general management; operations; HR)