Does the mirror tell you that you are a role model?

Erikjan Lantink
3 min readNov 14, 2023

Nearly all companies worldwide have some version of integrity as a value. Only a few have clearly defined what behaviors they expect when they speak about integrity. And even fewer companies reinforce and live by those behaviors.

Just for fun, let’s say that 80 out of 100 companies have integrity as a value. 20 of those 80 companies have translated integrity into concrete behaviors and expectations for everyone inside the company.

Of those 20, 5 companies can genuinely say they live by the values. That includes the leaders of the companies role modeling the behaviors.

Only 1 of those five companies has also addressed the unconscious bias within company leaders. Bias that undermines integrity behaviors.

Kudos to you if you are that one company (or one percent).

To be clear. The example above has been entirely made up. I don’t have scientific evidence. Just life experience.

Of course, there are clear cases where leaders do not lead and behave with integrity. This varies from creating fear and an unsafe work environment to harassment (while still having integrity as a value).

Unfortunately, when people produce excellent results but don’t behave as they should, the…



Erikjan Lantink

Business & Leadership coach. Interim Leader. Writer. Speaker. Former Retail Executive (general management; operations; HR)