Are you paid to think?

Erikjan Lantink
3 min readFeb 3, 2023

“I don’t pay you to think; I pay you to execute.” — Old School CEO.

Earlier in my career, I spent four years in a company where that was the culture early on.

I was on an expat assignment abroad, and part of my responsibilities was helping design en deliver interventions that would change the culture.

The old-school CEO was no longer with the company, but his wake was still there.

Taking responsibility for your emotional wake is forever since then one of my credos in life.

Telling people to execute and not to think is telling a human being that they don’t matter.

Imagine someone telling you you don’t matter.

Perhaps not flat out in your face while looking in your eyes, but indirectly.

I can tell you that nobody would tell you that flat out in your face because people who think this way are emotionally underdeveloped and cowards.


Every time someone interrupts you, this person is basically telling you that you don’t matter.

Your words, thoughts, ideas, perspective, objections, and even your approval, don’t matter.



Erikjan Lantink

Business & Leadership coach. Interim Leader. Writer. Speaker. Former Retail Executive (general management; operations; HR)