Member-only story
Are you happy?
Are you happy?
Not just right now, while you’re reading this insight, but in general?
It doesn’t mean you’re always happy, but is there a sense of contentment inside of you with the way you’re living your life?
Before you start thinking about whether my state of happiness is this insight’s purpose, I want to let you know that I’m happy.
Not always, not every day, but generally spoken yes.
I’m content with how things are going, and occasionally that contentment translates into a state of happiness.
How about you?
Are you happy? And do you know why? Or why not?
When you think about it, and I’m not a student of happiness, it’s clear that happiness is a fundamental human desire.
I don’t think anybody is waking up in the morning thinking:
“Today, I’m going to be unhappy.”
We want to spend our days being happy, don’t we?
But do we know how to be happy?
Do we know the fundamentals behind happiness?
I spent thousands of hours being educated in math, languages, economics, and other stuff, but nobody ever taught me how to be happy.